Do Your Trading a Favor — Buy The Book!
Read ANY of the Twitter reviews below from everyday stay-at-home traders just like you (or click here for a page with about a hundred reviews), they all say the same thing — it’s “more than worth it,” “invaluable,” “the best trading book I’ve ever read.”
We feel so grateful that the traders featured in the book were brutally honest, revealing far more than we ever thought they would. Traders like Tim Grittani (@kroyrunner89), who has turned $1,500 into nearly $11 Million, Gregg Sciabica (@lx21), who has made over $10 Million, Bao Nguyen (@modern_rock), Nathan Michaud (@investorslive), Phil Goedeker (@Philgoedeker1), John Welsh (@johnwelshtrades), Michele Koenig (@offshorehunters), Eric Wood (@elkwood66), and more! All of them have made millions in the market!
Each of them is an everyday trader just like you. They found what works for them and they repeat it daily. To make money trading — stocks, options, forex, bitcoin or other crypto currencies — you have to get inside the minds of traders who do it for a living, hear them describe in their own words how they do it. Give your trading the chance it deserves — Get the book!
Tips, Tricks, & Strategies from Ten Top Traders
Momo Traders features extensive interviews with ten top day traders and swing traders who started where you are and now make a great living—some even becoming rich. They weren’t given a leg up, they didn’t start with millions, and they don’t manage billion-dollar hedge funds. They battle the market day in and day out—just like you—and win!
Foreword by esteemed trading psychologist and author of The Daily Trading Coach, Brett Steenbarger!

Brady Dahl is a trader, entrepreneur, and writer best known for his work on the first four seasons of the FX hit show Sons of Anarchy. Trading since 2008, he is fascinated with the speed of the industry and the voracity of its players. He currently resides in Minnesota, where he can be found raising a family, writing film and television screenplays, staring at stock charts, or at the lake. Connect at or @MiltonaTrades.

Nate originally founded the Investors Underground community in 2008 with the goal of creating the top trading service on the web. This service, fueled by Nate’s 10+ years experience trading equities (both Nasdaq and OTC), has become a “must follow” in the trading community. Nate is well known for his unique ability to read points of inflection & exhaustion in momo stocks, making him a “go-to” guy in the world of day trading.
GREAT book if you've been living under a rock and don't have it already…
— Inefficient Market (@inefficientmrkt) August 12, 2016
@MomoTraders Just finished it! Truly an amazing book. There is something for everyone in this book! Thank you to all of the contributors!
— Brian Vickers (@rbrianvickers) January 1, 2016
@MiltonaTrades @InvestorsLive l love it, lots of info from experienced traders, I only can say THANK YOU MiltonaTrades
— Ziggy B (@zb838zb) June 4, 2016
If you're looking for a great trading book, the place to go! Has my story and stories of far better traders than me!
— Tim Grittani (@kroyrunner89) October 19, 2015
+$6,185.90… Thanks $AVXL and @MomoTraders book! Those interviews gave me confidence to size in on this opportunity!
— ldbobby (@ldbobby) November 9, 2015
@InvestorsLive @MomoTraders this is one of the best book about trading. It's about real people, not about successful fund managers etc
— Alex Karlin (@fantomasforever) March 23, 2016
@InvestorsLive finished the book over the wkend, Couldn't put down. Loved all the insights & background on so many I respect.
— Van Hoang (@TheVmanHoang) August 12, 2016
Out of the hundreds of book I read in my life, @MomoTraders has to be my favorite! Best chapters @modern_rock @InvestorsLive @kroyrunner89 !
— The Saudi Trader (@sauditrader89) February 16, 2016
@MomoTraders Just finished another chapter, This book is to trading what the Bible is to Religion.
— Bluemoon Trader (@ShaParkinson) December 20, 2015